Tips and Inspiration for Your Lawn and Garden

  • How to Rejuvenate an Old Lawn with Grass Plugs

    Lawns, like the homes they surround, have a lifespan. On average, a lawn can last anywhere from 15 to 20 years, but this duration can vary based on how well it's maintained and the soil quality in which it grows.
  • How to Increase Drought Tolerance in Lawns

    During extended periods of drought, the soil dries out, forcing plants to work harder to extract water from deeper within the soil. Your lawn may enter a state of dormancy as a survival mechanism, shutting down itself to preserve moisture and avoid permanent damage.
  • What Type of Grass Do I Have?

    Proper lawn maintenance begins with accurately identifying the type of grass you have. However, this can be challenging, particularly for homeowners who have moved into a new home with existing grass and are unsure about its type.
  • How to Make Grass Grow Thicker

    A thick, green lawn that feels good underfoot may seem like a distant dream, but it's more achievable than you think. Transforming a thin, lackluster lawn into dense green grass requires time and commitment, but the results are well worth the effort.
  • How to Mow Your Lawn When It's Too Rainy

    While it's generally advised to wait for dry conditions, sometimes you can no longer afford to wait. But, with the right approach and proper precautions, you can still take on this task, even when the weather isn't on your side.
  • 4 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid When Planting Grass Plugs

    Lawn care can be challenging, particularly for beginners. Timing, preparation, techniques, and post-maintenance are all critical factors in the success of your lawn. Avoiding common beginner mistakes and learning what to do instead can set you up for success as you plant grass plugs.
  • Is Bermuda Grass Dog-Friendly?

    Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass known for its excellent heat and drought tolerance. It can withstand heavy foot traffic and is regarded as one of the most resilient turfgrasses available to homeowners today.
  • Should You Plant Zoysia and Bermuda Grass Plugs Together?

    Zoysia and Bermuda grass are warm-season grasses known for their exceptional heat and drought tolerance and ability to withstand heavy use.
  • 9 Water-Saving Tips to Maintain Your Lawn

    Maintaining a healthy lawn relies on providing its fundamental needs: food, sunlight, and water. These elements are essential in sustaining growth, making sure your grass thrives and your lawn remains resilient against environmental stresses.
  • Is Your Lawn Healthy? 5 Signs You Need New Grass Plugs

    As homeowners, we work hard to create a beautiful outdoor space that reflects our long-term commitment to our property. Our efforts are particularly evident in how we look after our grass to ensure it stays dense and green.
  • 5 Signs of Grub Damage in Your Lawn

    Continue reading as we share insights into identifying grub damage in your lawn, allowing you to take proactive measures for control. We also share tips on how to restore your lawn using grass plugs.

  • 8 Lawn Care Myths That Damage Your Grass

    Maintaining a lush, green, weed-free lawn can be challenging. With a wealth of lawn care tips online, homeowners often rely on this information to look after their lawns. However, distinguishing reliable advice from misinformation can be difficult.