Materials Needed

SodPods® Calculator
Calculate the amount of SodPods® you need to achieve the lawn of your dreams! Simply, put in the square footage of desired area.

Planting Steps

Prepare Holes
Mow existing lawn close to the ground and water thoroughly. Dig the holes with 12 – 18” on center so pods are evenly spaced from each other. Try our Power Planter for easy and fast planting!

Apply 1 tsp. of quality release fertilizer in each hole. Or you can skip the measuring and purchase NutriPod Grass Plug Nutrition, designed for grass plugs!

Plant Pods
Press firmly into the fertilizer primed hole leaving NO air space around edges. Turf runners should be flush to the ground.

Water Pods
After area has been repaired and fertilized water thoroughly to remove air pockets for optimal performance.
Keep soil moist at least 6” to 8” deep

Post Pod Care
Thoroughly watering EVERY DAY is the key to plugging success! Keep soil moist at least 6″ to 8″ deep. Once pods are rooted (10-20 days), new runners should appear. Decrease watering to twice per week.
SodPods® in Action!
Check out fellow SodPods® customers's experience with planting SodPods®.
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